Flexible scope for ISO 15189 accreditation: a guidance prepared by the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group Accreditation and ISO/CEN standards (WG-A/ISO).

TitleFlexible scope for ISO 15189 accreditation: a guidance prepared by the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group Accreditation and ISO/CEN standards (WG-A/ISO).
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsThelen, MHM, Vanstapel, FJLA, Kroupis, C, Vukasovic, I, Boursier, G, Barrett, E, Andreu, FBernabeu, Brguljan, PMeško, Brugnoni, D, Lohmander, M, Sprongl, L, Vodnik, T, Ghita, I, Vaubourdolle, M, Huisman, W
Corporate AuthorsWorking Group Accreditation ISO/CEN standards (WG-A/ISO) of the EFLM
PubMed ID26055950